Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hot Tea is the Key

I know, the title is a little ambiguous, but I wanted to keep it short and simple.  So... here's the explanation.  Anyone studying Japanese (or any subject) intensively knows that some days are harder than others.  If you use Anki or another spaced repetition flashcard software, you know that the reviews can pile up, and sometimes you just don't want to do them.

I feel this way occasionally, and on these kinds of days, it's difficult to learn new material after barely getting through the reviews.  I feel unaccomplished, and I start to doubt myself, especially if I don't remember as many of the review cards that I wanted to have mastered already.

For example, my vocabulary, kanji, and sentence reviews take roughly an hour or more a day, and it takes a little bit longer than that to learn 25 new flashcards from each of the three sets.  But I found my savior, and that, my friends, is hot tea.

Here's my routine (varies from day-to-day depending on when I have classes): I try to wake up between 6:30 and 7:30, turn on the light for my fish tank and say good morning to them in the relaxing atmosphere that I created, brush my teeth, brew some tea, and go to a casual location with my laptop, such as my living room couch.  I'll do my reviews there, and I'll play music in the background for the flashcard decks that don't require that I listen to Japanese audio.

For me, hot tea puts me into "study mode" and makes the whole review process less frustrating.  I found something small that I could fit into my daily routine, and my quality of life increased greatly because of that.  You see, I feel incredible when I complete my Japanese studying for the day, and drinking tea gets me through the first half of the workload.

What gets you through the day?  Don't hesitate to leave a comment below.


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