Ah, I had a feeling
that I’d get lost in Japan at least once.
And when it happened, I just had to shrug it off and stay calm. I was with one of the other guys on my team,
so we had to work together to find our way back to the Sakura Hostel.
Basically, a big group
of us went out to dinner, and then the others wanted to go to a bar, and a
couple of us didn’t feel like doing that, so we decided to walk back to the
I could’ve sworn that
I knew where I was going…
I made sure to
memorize the path from the hostel to the restaurant, but things changed when it
got dark out. God knew that I wanted a
chance to use the Japanese that I had been studying, so he threw me into a
situation where I was forced to seek out a friendly police officer, whip out my
Sakura Hostel business card, point to it and say, Eeto… Sakura Hostel wa doko desu ka?
You can tell what I
was trying to say, right? He basically
pointed in the direction of the hostel and told us where to turn. I understood enough of it to find my way back
to the hostel, but before leaving, I bowed and said arigatou gozaimasu. That’s
when my teammate also bowed, but he said something slightly different…
something along the lines of ohayou
gozaimasu which means “good morning.”
Like I said before, it was after 9 at night.
I get it, though. And in his defense, he studies Chinese
instead of Japanese, and both phrases
include gozaimasu for
politeness. Basically, I can see why he
mixed up the two phrases. And yes, I did
laugh afterwards, not at my teammate, but because of the fact that a police
officer just heard a foreigner walk away while saying “good morning” to
Oh yeah… I had a lot
of fun adventures in Japan, and there’s still more that I want to share with
you, so make sure to check back often.
By the way, what do you think are the most useful survival Japanese
phrases? Leave a comment below!
I'm pretty sure this was the day before a couple of us got lost. Oh, and the food was great! I think I ordered curry, but it's tough to remember what I ate on this day over six months ago.
We ended up fitting eight of us (and our luggage) into this room for two nights.
I met Colonel Sanders!
I took this picture near our hostel. I would have liked it a lot more if it wasn't so bright in the top center. But I didn't know that my camera would react so poorly to bright lighting.
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